Virtual Lesbian Library October 2023

Virtual Lesbian Library is our monthly reading club hosted over Google Meet every second Sunday of the month at 6pm.

From this month onwards, we will be dedicating two months to each book. This is to allow us extra time to get through slightly longer books. Our monthly meetings will go ahead as usual – with the first of the two being a catch-up with everyone else to see how they’re getting along, and the second to finish and gather our thoughts on the book before announcing the next title.

Join our Discord to take part in book club discussions throughout the month.

One Last Stop

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Our first featured book after our month of recapping is One Last Stop by Casy McQuiston. This is the most recent book we have covered so far (published in 2021) so we are excited to hear your thoughts on it.

“The novel is about a woman named August Landry, a cynical pseudo detective, who finds love in a woman she meets on a subway named Jane Su, a punk Lesbian from the 1970s who has been misplaced in time and is trapped on the subway.” x

Where can I read it?

A free eBook version is available >here<

As this has been recently published, it may be available at your local book vendors. It is also available as both a purchasable eBook and a physical copy via Amazon.

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